About Us

The Dead Half Production Team



Director, Writer, Co-Producer

David Van Hooser

David has written, produced, and directed a number of shorts which have screened at film festivals.

He recently was a screenwriting finalist at the Nashville Film Festival, as well as a finalist in the Big Break screenwriting competition.

David has a track record of 30 plus years in television and video production, with 24 regional Emmys, the Silver Circle Award from the National Academy of television Arts & Sciences, various national recognitions, and a Peabody Award to show for it.

He has also created a number of Emmy-winning documentaries and entertainment programs.


“There are no simple shots.”





Co-Producer, Co-Writer, DOP

Craig Anderson

Craig is a 25 year veteran of the of the Nashville and middle Tennessee television production industry.

His talents cover the range from program producer, to studio manager, to videographer, to lighting director, to name a few.

Craig was creator and a co-producer on the Emmy nominated cult local TV paranormal series, Dark Encounters Investigated. 

Craig himself received a regional Emmy Award for his lighting work on one of many shorts on which he has worked.

Craig’s short thriller Thumpers: The Restless Dead won the “Unlucky 13 Moviemaking Challenge”.

“Well… the shot worked great in my head.”





Co-Producer, Director of Photography

Tom Terry

Tom is a craftsman and an artist. Since getting a degree in Film Production, Tom has spent the past 25-plus years working in commercial television production. 

Tom’s creative projects range from local television commercials to major station promotional campaigns. 

For the past few years, Tom left commercial television to partner in a freelance video production company that delivers visual product such as commercials and web-based materials.

Tom has also been involved in lighting and shooting several short films which have screened at various festivals.

“Lexy, I need to know where you are at all times.”

tom in a fog

“Rachel take this battery, I never want to see it again.”





Creative Director, Set Design & Construction

Robert Cooper

Robert is a master at turning imagined environments into rock-solid sets in which actors move and live. For 40-plus years, Robert has designed and built sets and props for theatrical works, TV programs, exhibits, trade shows, and the network TV series “In The Heat of the Night”.

Robert has also worked as a freelance designer for country music tour artists such as Alan Jackson, Randy Travis, Sammy Kershaw, and others.

Robert,s work on set design for TV programs has received a Midsouth Emmy Award.


“There are no problems, only opportunities for creative solutions.”


leaf window



The Dead Half

Movie Sets:

Most interior sets were purpose-built for the movie at a warehouse in Dickson Tennessee.

The exterior location was also in Dickson.


  • Primary Camera: Panasonic AF100
  • Lenses: Rokinon Prime
  • Primary Photography took 2 1/2 weeks


This was supposed to be fun.




Behind the Scenes

A note of thanks!

The Dead Half could never have been completed without the hard work and commitment of many people from our very hard working set crew to production assistance, catering, makeup fx, facility and location providers, security, and the Dickson Police Department.



“Whose movie is this anyway?” -Aaron

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Dr at Desk